The year just started and it's already almost middle of April.
Things have been really hectic since we got back from our semester break in March. In another three months or so we'll actually be done with our first year and will be moving on to our second.
Which is crazy, considering how it still feels like we just started.
I realize just how much time we had in our first semester to actually be able to go out on weekdays and still have time to finish studying. Now in semester two even our weekends are so packed we hardly have time for ourselves!
Two to three exams per week now instead of the usual one. For the past few weekends we've been having something on so it's like we're busy six days a week and have only one day during the weekend to rest and recuperate for the coming week.
Our mid semester exams are coming up in just over two weeks. Everything we studied in semester one will be coming out as well so we're pretty screwed if we don't have enough time to finish revising.
Next week is orientation week for the new foundation students. Have been appointed as director by God only knows who, to organize things. Last time I managed stuff like this was in high school and as much as I miss being in control of things like this, I wish I didn't have to be. Especially with subject studies to worry about.
Meeting after meeting. Proposals. Everything is so damn last minute here it's infuriating.
On a more positive note, however, I'll be going back home soon. I think most of my things have been moved into the new place already. Can't wait to see my new room all furnished. Can't wait to catch up on sleep.
Been exercising, lately. Not much gym work but the jogging seems to be some sort of release from all the pent up tension.
It really is amazing how having good friends helps you get through things. Friends who accept and know you for everything that you are.
Have I mentioned my penchant for hand-written notes?
Particularly ones by that one particular person you very possibly fancy going out with. Even more so if said person actually looks like an actor you so happen to be crazy about, say...Jacob Artist aka Jake Puckerman from Glee.
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