We had our Christmas event yesterday evening. Caroling practice was only for 4 days because it was such short notice but everyone did a fantastic job.
And I've finally lost my voice.
I think we clean up pretty nicely despite looking like ogres on usual weekdays. Heh.
Almost done with our Paeds posting. Another week before exams begin. Will be spending a few days at home for Christmas. Not too sure about New Year, though. Really don't want to spend it alone here.
Updates, updates. Let's see.
My Vaio is giving me some problems. I took it to the computer centre the other day and they updated my graphic driver but videos still aren't playing properly. Wonder if it's the display driver that needs to be looked into.
Still not sure if I'll be upgrading my Lenovo to the Xperia. Crossing my fingers in the hopes that mom & dad will surprise me for Christmas :P
Went around looking for a rabbit a week ago but couldn't find one. Really want a puppy but I won't have time for the little fellow :(
Not sure why but some weeks ago I was felling really lonely. I've never felt that way before. Not when I was in JB and not even when I first moved here. Not too bad this past week because I was busy with practice and everything. Hoping that it's just a phase.
Was never a Belieber but his new one Love Yourself has me hooked. Been on replay for the past couple of days. Can't wait to do a cover.
Spent the day at Shalu's place. So nice to get away from all the traffic and ambulance sirens for a while.
Took a walk around the housing area with a little kitten following us. Had lunch and tea and got back late in the evening.
Just like that another year has come and is about to go.
Really hoping for thicker skin next year so that I learn how to not give an eff especially when it comes to people who can't look beyond their stupid noses. The things I'm going through with people here on campus I tell you...
Anyhoo! I'm off to bed. More next week or next year :P
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